One More Story Games

1.       Play at least 2 games (5 minutes each is fine)
2.       Have all media files uploaded and categorized– photos for people, locations, maps, items
3.       Add all characters – names, descriptions
4.       Add maps
5.       Add locations and descriptions
6.       What is their synopsis?
7.       What is the introduction (and information to the player when they start)?

Ask yourself:
1.       What happens after the introduction?
a.       Are players clicking on a location? Is there a person there to talk to, or an item to pick up? Or something to click on?
                                                               i.      What is the conversation?
                                                             ii.      What are we picking up?
                                                            iii.      What are we clicking on?
b.      What happens as a result? Are we prompted to go searching somewhere else?

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